I'd already got to five by the time I had reached Human Touch/Lucky Town and here they are:-
It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
Kitty's Back
Wild Billy's Circus Story
Meeting Across The River
I don't hate any of the above and there are others that nearly made the list instead but, for today, these are the ones I would choose. I know at least one person reading this who will be aghast at one of my choices and Mike really likes Nebraska. What do the rest of you think?
Photo by Mike Black taken from NJ. Com - link to story below |
Well Tramps what about this then? For those of us who have already had the good fortune to visit this spot do we now have a great excuse to go again for another picture? Of course we do!
A few weeks ago I mentioned that I had stopped listening to my Bruce Playlist on the iPod and instead I have the whole music library on shuffle. This makes for some interesting combinations especially as it's the whole of the library rather than just my choices. Last week I got Leona Lewis followed by Nickelback. OK I admit it I like Bleeding Love. OK I admit it I like Nickelback.
I get lots of Bruce of course. His albums must make up a good 10% of our total collection. I don't have the bootlegs on the iPod - just the official stuff. I enjoy the lottery of not knowing what I am going to get next but still like it best when I get a Bruce song. Last week, though, I realised I love a Gaslight Anthem track just as much.
Talking of GA there's a great interview with Brian Fallon here. Are we going to like The Horrible Crowes? At least we have something to look forward to in the absence of even a whisper on the Bruce front. Also a good excuse to include a YouTube clip of one of our favourite Gaslight songs.
If you are feeling like something a bit more intellectual and are interested in American economics you can try this blog post with a Bruce mention of course.
And finally this week there's this little ditty. Elaine - Block your ears!